A little inside look into my world. The trials, the tribulations, the unilateral view of my perspective on life.
Life as a Mom of 2 wonderful children, life as an exhausted parent!
Friday, November 18, 2005
A view from the porch...( right now)
AHHHHHHHHHH...it has happened, the first snow fall!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am not ready for snow yet. Even though we had our first snow here on Oct. 29th and the next day it was 60 something out. BTW I blogrolled you too.
Munchkin's first snow. I know there's something poetic about that. Still, it's a miserable reality when you have to go outside for the first time - and you get some in your boot.
I am not ready for snow yet. Even though we had our first snow here on Oct. 29th and the next day it was 60 something out.
BTW I blogrolled you too.
ewwwwww white stuff..
-4 tonight here in Somerset, UK...unlikely we'll see snow before January though
Hi, Leanne. Beautiful kid you got there. I hate snow!
Michele sent me.
Munchkin's first snow. I know there's something poetic about that. Still, it's a miserable reality when you have to go outside for the first time - and you get some in your boot.
Why isn't it melting any faster?
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