Hi this is Hannah... Today I had new visitors... Grandpa Ken and Auntie Toad were here as you can see by the pictures. They came with Andrea the baby nurse(aka Momma). Unfortunately there are no pictures of Andrea holding me on Mommy and Daddy's camera but Auntie Toad got some so I am sure that they will make it to the blog at some point. Momma changes my bum and showed Mommy lots of stuff, like how to take care of my blocked tear duct and how to make a homemade sling so that she can carry me around the house and still have her hands free. It was a great visit and everyone loved me. Momma also brought presents for me and Mommy, thank you the running suit is great, not sure how many marathons I will be doing in it but I promise to keep Mommy running in circles everytime that I have it on.

Well that is all for today, time to get some food and then we are gonna go to the park apparently, not sure what this park thing is that Mommy speaks of but I guess I will find out. Oh before I forget, thank you to Momma and Auntie Melissa, Momma for the trick that you told Mommy about how to make the carrier work for my little body, and thank you to Auntie Melissa for buying Mommy and Daddy the carrier. Mommy and I went for a huge long walk last night, she got exercise and I got to sleep in the fresh air of the outside world, it was great!
Time to go, more later after the park.
Smiles and Kisses
Hi Lennie,
Yo Momma here, here is the info I wnated to get to you earlier, been busy with school and work and ya know how it is. This info came from the American SIDS Foundation. It had some info about parent sto be but i deleted that since you are alredy are. I would have e-mailed it directly to you, but i don't have youe e-mail addy. The baby looks like she is growing well, good Dairy Queen huh? Keep up the good work, motherhood looks good on you.
LOve and Kisses for all,
Momma (andrea) andrea.rn@rogers.com
What Can Be Done?
Unfortunately, we cannot expect to prevent all SIDS deaths now. To do so requires a much greater understanding of SIDS, which will be achieved only with a commitment from those who value babies and with a considerably expanded research effort. However, there are things that can be done to reduce the risk of SIDS.
1. Place infants to sleep on their backs, even though infants may sleep more soundly on their stomachs. Infants who sleep on their stomachs and sides have a higher rate of SIDS than infants who sleep on their backs.
2. Place infants to sleep in a baby bed with a firm mattress. There should be nothing in the bed but the baby - no covering, no pillows, no bumper pads and no toys. Soft mattresses and heavy covering are associated with the risk for SIDS.
3. Do not over-clothe the infant while he/she sleeps. Keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for you. Overheating an infant may increase the risk for SIDS.
4. Avoid exposing the infant to tobacco smoke. Don't have your infant in the same house or car with someone who is smoking. The greater the exposure to tobacco smoke, the greater the risk of SIDS.
5. Breast-feed babies whenever possible. Breast milk decreases the occurrence of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Studies show that breast-fed babies have a lower SIDS rate than formula-fed babies do.
6. Avoid exposing the infant to people with respiratory infections. Avoid crowds. Carefully clean anything that comes in contact with the baby. Have people wash their hands before holding or playing with your baby. SIDS often occurs in association with relatively minor respiratory (mild cold) and gastrointestinal infections (vomiting and diarrhea).
7. Consider using home monitoring systems (apnea/bradycardia monitors) in an attempt to prevent sudden death in high-risk infants.The risk of SIDS in the following groups exceeds that of the general population by as much as 5 to 10 times:
Infants born weighing less than 3.5 pounds.
Infants whose sibling died of SIDS.
Infants exposed to cocaine, heroin, or methadone during the pregnancy.
The second or succeeding child born to a teenage mother.
Infants who have had an apparent life-threatening event.
sorry about the typos Len...
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