Labour was really fast, 7.5 hours in total, I had to be induced and was 12 days over due by the time she was born.
Here are the stats
Hannah Elizabeth Grace
Sept 12th 2005
5lbs 13oz
19.25 inches
No drug delivery(other than the induction)
Here are a couple quick pics, of our little ham, she is an awesome baby, so quiet and calm. I never knew that it was possible to love someone so much at first glance. We are both so totally in love with her it is by far the most amazing feeling ever.

She is beautiful.
Here's to healthiness and happiness.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said when I saw her and I say it again over and over, she is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And with those long fingers I will have her playing piano and guitar before she is even walking.(you do know she gets free lessons for life) Watch out Pink Floyd, Hannahpan will have you mastered in no time!!!!
Amanda? I thought her name was Hannah? Isn't this about Hannah? Am I mistaken? Who does she look like? Pan,why isn't Ross answering his phone??
(realizing you might be laughing for many reasons at this point. Just remember, it might hurt now but it was funny.No retaliation neccesary)
ps. I have just started my own Hannah file and she is front and center on my screensaver, right next to Caelan
Congrats you two - she is a keeper!!!!
Umm.. Ya know... Danielle unintentionally brings up an interesting point (waving to Danielle).....Hey Pan.. What if you had to put her back in???? (ducking and running, realizing that your stomach isnt in the way anymore and maybe, just maybe, my days of outrunning you are almost over)
Yer a Mommy!!!!!
She's beautiful! Congratulations.
Welcome to the world, Hannah. May the joy you bring your parents be everlasting. And may we always share only good news like this.
Congratulations! What a beautiful little girl.
Sept. 12th is a very good day. Our own little princess was born on that day 8 years ago.
Savour every moment because being a parent is the most wonderous experiences, but it goes by in a snap.
May she always be a constant source of love and laughter!
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