It was Auntie Melissa, she drove all the way from North Bay to see her. Since Mommy is healing really fast and feeling much better she is lifting the 7 day visit rule a few days early. So let the visiting begin folks.
Remember cookies and carrot cake are perfectly acceptable gifts for mom, not that there is any need for gifts of course, but mmmmmm cookies and cake :) need I say more. So if you want to visit just give me a ring, after 12 noon is best for us, but we can come to you too if you prefer.
On a somber note, one of my bestest friends in the entire world lost his best friend yesterday.
Dempsey(aka Mr. Snuffer) took his last breaths yesterday and fulfilled his long boxer life. He outlived the average boxer by two years, but will be deeply missed by all of us who knew him.
This boxer had character like no other, and gas to surpass his character. He is the only dog I know that could clear a room in 2 seconds flat, make your eyes water and make you run all at the same time. He lived for his red thing(aka Kong) and his Brynn(his doggy best friend) and his family. He loved his Max and Gypsy( his 2 feline friends) but mostly he worshiped his Bill.
May you enjoy all the red things in the big doggy park in the sky Dempsey.
My heart goes out to you Bill, Aimee and Caelan, we all loved him.
I am so glad that you are healing up so quickly!!!
Aimee & Bill I am soooo sorry about Dempsy... I loved that beautiful boy - you gave him an amazing life...
Carrot cake… that's puréed carrot with icing right?
And… Oh drat…
sorry Bill and Aimee
Thanks Pan for your heartfelt sympathies he was the absolute best. We missed that damned beautiful stinky snuff.. and thanks also to Danielle and John.....I would post on my own blog but well, I have not posted there in like two years...
Oh and John? I don't think its really pureed..more like minced....
Oh wait... I almost forgot the real reason I stopped by.. I would like to congratulate Hannahbanana on her weight gain. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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