Wednesday, January 28, 2004

15 minutes before work again

Well today we completed the 4th day of core training. We are officially half way there. I actually feel like I am getting stronger, my posture is definitely better. It is a tough program though. I totally recommend it to any one who has issues with the midsection, poor posture or anyone that is sitting on there but all day at work. It really makes you realize how much we neglect the midsection now adays. Check out this site for a bit of information on the core program.

My boss at work always says that the trick to maintaining a fitness regimen is to have a reason to go to the gym, whether it is a personal trainer, seeing you kids grow up, running a marathon, looking better in a swim suit, or as simple as not letting down the person you have to pick up on the way to the gym. What ever your reason, get there do it for you or do it for someone else. Health and fitness is one of the few things that we have control of as human beings. Maybe it's time for you to take control of your life.

Gotta run time for work.

Smile... because you are alive, now go do something to keep you that way :o)


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