Sorry it has been a couple days, life has been crazy wrapping up the house stuff and such.
Hannah has officially been discharged from Midwifery care. I say this with mixed emotions. I am glad that I no longer have to go to the office almost weekly, and I am elated that she has had good enough progress to be discharged, but I am sad for as many reasons. I will miss all the ladies at the office and the fabulous care that Hannah and I recieved in the past 9 months. I will miss seeing all the other pregos and babies that are healthy and well, and I will miss all the constant encouragement. Poor little Hannah is now released into the world of Western Medicine and doctors offices full of sickos. Ugh... reality!
So the numbers....
At 6 weeks 3 days old Hannah was 7lbs 9oz ( a 5 oz gain in 7 days) and 21.1 inches long ( almost a 2 inch gain in 6 weeks). Her heart and lungs and tummy are clear and functioning well. Her reflexes and reactions are right on pace for a little girl her age and her head control is awesome. Her head grew too, but I can't remember the numbers for that. How weird is it that at 6 weeks old she is only 1 ounce smaller that her Daddy when he was born and at birth she was 1 ounce bigger than me when I was born. She is our little girl that is for sure.
Well back to reality, Hannah has visitors this weekend, Grandma Joan and Grampy Nat are here this weekend, we also have to do a house inspection and sign the rest of the house papers this weekend.
I will post again soon, till then, who the hell ordered the minus anything weather? It was -2 when I started to post and it's -3 now! I am already hating winter!
The next month is going to be a very busy time for the three of you… so much stuff to do close that house. And the funnest part… packing… can you hear me groaning for you in support? ;)
Umm.. I ordered the cold weather. It's the only way to vanquish the virus from the barns.......
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HANNAH!!!!!Little chubberoo.. We are so proud of you!!!!!!!!!
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