I feel like I am so out of touch with blog land. It has been a mad house around here lately... Still unpacking and putting away all of Hannah's Christmas stuff (she got spoiled rotten), not to mention holiday entertaining. It is strange how quiet my house is today. No guests, no commotion, no more holidays! Finally the house to myself again! I love having company but I also love the quiet.
So in summation since I hear the little one stirring...
Our first Christmas was great... Too much traveling though. I generally find the trip down east exhausting, but when you do it with a 3 1/2 mos old it brings a whole new meaning to exhaustion.
New Years was quiet but perfect!
Hannah is growing like a weed and has had a bunch of firsts that I will post soon.
We now have a dog... Daquiri is her name.
Gotta go sleeping beauty is now screaming beauty.
We need to come over and see Daq. And Hannah-banana. Maybe in a week?
Congrats on the new member of the family... black lab?
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