Kris... time to get out hun... you are so much better than that place it is squishing your spirit... another employer would be lucky to have you. Have you tried applying to the upstairs firms?
Feel better soon... I had it last week... a hot bath with bubble bath helped me. ~HUGS~
Karen... you are one of the strongest women I know... you go girl! Joanna Rachel and Amanda are so lucky to have such an amazing woman as a roll model!
On another note Tupperware should be in this week to all who are waiting... I will call you when it is in then do the rounds!

There are new pics on flicker... sorry I have been blabsent... haveing a 4 month old and a house consumes almost every waking moment of the day. Here is a comparison pic for you all though. Same outfit... Day 1 and yesterday! It is amazing to me how much she has grown but how little she still is this is a 0-3mos Baby GAP onsie

Who is that I see in the background of the one pic? :)
Looks like my furry friend!
I put up the photos I got of Hannah.
Can I just say you have one cute little girl. It really is amazing how fast she has grown. Can't wait to come see you guys, hopefully soon.
I can't believe how much she's grown. She's looks adorable. No worries about me, you know I'm stubborn, and will eventually get out when I'm ready. Thanks for the kind words though.
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