of Hannah.... of course!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
MSN Spaces SUCK!
Karen and Kristine... I am trying to leave comments on both of your sites but no such luck... arrrgh!
Kris... time to get out hun... you are so much better than that place it is squishing your spirit... another employer would be lucky to have you. Have you tried applying to the upstairs firms?
Feel better soon... I had it last week... a hot bath with bubble bath helped me. ~HUGS~
Karen... you are one of the strongest women I know... you go girl! Joanna Rachel and Amanda are so lucky to have such an amazing woman as a roll model!
On another note Tupperware should be in this week to all who are waiting... I will call you when it is in then do the rounds!

There are new pics on flicker... sorry I have been blabsent... haveing a 4 month old and a house consumes almost every waking moment of the day. Here is a comparison pic for you all though. Same outfit... Day 1 and yesterday! It is amazing to me how much she has grown but how little she still is this is a 0-3mos Baby GAP onsie
Kris... time to get out hun... you are so much better than that place it is squishing your spirit... another employer would be lucky to have you. Have you tried applying to the upstairs firms?
Feel better soon... I had it last week... a hot bath with bubble bath helped me. ~HUGS~
Karen... you are one of the strongest women I know... you go girl! Joanna Rachel and Amanda are so lucky to have such an amazing woman as a roll model!
On another note Tupperware should be in this week to all who are waiting... I will call you when it is in then do the rounds!

There are new pics on flicker... sorry I have been blabsent... haveing a 4 month old and a house consumes almost every waking moment of the day. Here is a comparison pic for you all though. Same outfit... Day 1 and yesterday! It is amazing to me how much she has grown but how little she still is this is a 0-3mos Baby GAP onsie

Monday, January 16, 2006
4 month Shots sux!

Hannah had her 4 month check up today!
The official #'s per the doctors office are...
weight: 11lbs 4 oz with diaper (5lbs 13oz @ birth)
length: 23 .50 inches( 19.25 @ birth)
She did awesome with the shots... fell asleep only cried for 5 minutes. The terror didn't start until she woke up from her 1:30pm nap. She woke up crying and continued through until 9:30pm when she fell asleep on my lap. I feel so bad for her, seeing her tiny lips quiver, the look on her face screamed..."Why did she do this to me!?" She sobbed all night... less about 2 hours( thank you Bumbo and Teddy's Choice Acetaminophen) My heart ached everytime I watched a tear drop slide down her cheek. It was as if nothing I did made her feel better.
I finally wrapped her up snug as a bug in a blanket and put her to bed at 11:01pm. Fingers crossed she sleeps for the night.
I did however get a few pics of her tonight during a cry free moment ...

or two!

Time for bed myself.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Holy growth spurt...
Thursday, January 12, 2006
4 months old
Well she has hit another mile stone, today Hannah turned 4 months old. She spent the day sleeping... 
She also hung out with her Daddy ...

and played with the remote control Jeep and even went to the park! (where she cried the whole time, apparently 4 months old is not old enough to appreciate +7 in January). All in all she had a pretty chillin day. This evening she got a visitor, Karen came over(Amanda's Grandma) and Hannah loves Karen so she was almost on her best behaviour, minus a few screams and a super puker episode... But hey at least she turned her head so we could see the whole process...LOL. I have given her a new nickname Pukearoo!
All and all things are going pretty well in our new house. Hannah and Daquiri get along great, and things are sorta getting unpacked. I have ventured into domestic goddess land head on with a sewing adventure on my new handy blue sewing machine. I currently am 45% of the way through one panel for the curtains for the livingroom window. Lessons learned so far...
1. Start with a smaller window
2. Patterns are for rookies( I should be using one!)
3. Sewing around an infants schedule takes forever.
I am sure there are many more lessons to be learned before I am done.
Well that is it for tonight... New pics on flicker.
Until next time... Enjoy and please do a few random acts of kindness.

She also hung out with her Daddy ...

and played with the remote control Jeep and even went to the park! (where she cried the whole time, apparently 4 months old is not old enough to appreciate +7 in January). All in all she had a pretty chillin day. This evening she got a visitor, Karen came over(Amanda's Grandma) and Hannah loves Karen so she was almost on her best behaviour, minus a few screams and a super puker episode... But hey at least she turned her head so we could see the whole process...LOL. I have given her a new nickname Pukearoo!
All and all things are going pretty well in our new house. Hannah and Daquiri get along great, and things are sorta getting unpacked. I have ventured into domestic goddess land head on with a sewing adventure on my new handy blue sewing machine. I currently am 45% of the way through one panel for the curtains for the livingroom window. Lessons learned so far...
1. Start with a smaller window
2. Patterns are for rookies( I should be using one!)
3. Sewing around an infants schedule takes forever.
I am sure there are many more lessons to be learned before I am done.
Well that is it for tonight... New pics on flicker.
Until next time... Enjoy and please do a few random acts of kindness.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Random Acts of Kindness...
When was the last time you did one?
Have you ever done one?
How'd it make you feel?
I'll start...
Yesterday while on my way to the fish store to replace the fish that I successfully killed during the moving process; I noticed that the homeless teen that stands at the lights on Wellington and Commissioners was there.
His sign simply says... "Homeless and hungry please help."
Now I have seen him there dozens of times before and have given him the odd granola bar or two... I often wish I could do more. Well today I did! It was miserable out, raining and plus 4 and he looked drenched to the bone and freezing cold, so I went to DQ and got him a double cheeseburger with fries and a coke. He seemed so surprised and thankful when I handed it to him from my warm Jeep. He wished me a good day thanked me very much and hurried over to the bus shelter to eat. While I sat at the lights he devoured every morsel and then disappeared. Again I wish I could have given him more but it's a start. I wonder how long it has been since he had a hot meal or a shower for that matter? What about clean clothes and a warm bed to sleep in?
After the year I have had( the most amazing one of my life so far) my heart aches when I see people suffering. I wonder where his mother is? I wonder if she is worried about him? I wonder what his name is?
I vow to be more generous this year, hopefully I can spread some of my good fortune around and brighten a few people's days this year.
Have you ever done one?
How'd it make you feel?
I'll start...
Yesterday while on my way to the fish store to replace the fish that I successfully killed during the moving process; I noticed that the homeless teen that stands at the lights on Wellington and Commissioners was there.
His sign simply says... "Homeless and hungry please help."
Now I have seen him there dozens of times before and have given him the odd granola bar or two... I often wish I could do more. Well today I did! It was miserable out, raining and plus 4 and he looked drenched to the bone and freezing cold, so I went to DQ and got him a double cheeseburger with fries and a coke. He seemed so surprised and thankful when I handed it to him from my warm Jeep. He wished me a good day thanked me very much and hurried over to the bus shelter to eat. While I sat at the lights he devoured every morsel and then disappeared. Again I wish I could have given him more but it's a start. I wonder how long it has been since he had a hot meal or a shower for that matter? What about clean clothes and a warm bed to sleep in?
After the year I have had( the most amazing one of my life so far) my heart aches when I see people suffering. I wonder where his mother is? I wonder if she is worried about him? I wonder what his name is?
I vow to be more generous this year, hopefully I can spread some of my good fortune around and brighten a few people's days this year.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
A quick post while Hannah naps...

I feel like I am so out of touch with blog land. It has been a mad house around here lately... Still unpacking and putting away all of Hannah's Christmas stuff (she got spoiled rotten), not to mention holiday entertaining. It is strange how quiet my house is today. No guests, no commotion, no more holidays! Finally the house to myself again! I love having company but I also love the quiet.
So in summation since I hear the little one stirring...
Our first Christmas was great... Too much traveling though. I generally find the trip down east exhausting, but when you do it with a 3 1/2 mos old it brings a whole new meaning to exhaustion.
New Years was quiet but perfect!
Hannah is growing like a weed and has had a bunch of firsts that I will post soon.
We now have a dog... Daquiri is her name.
Gotta go sleeping beauty is now screaming beauty.
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