Thursday, February 03, 2005

Mmmm Guacamole

So I heard several times on the news today a very disturbing fact about the Superbowl and Guacamole 43.5 million pounds will be consumed by Americans during the Superbowl. That is insane! It astounds me that Americans are confused as to why they have an obesity issue... Well duh do you think that it would have something to do with this kind of excessiveness? The Guac is not so bad its actually pretty healthy if you use this recipe and eat it with baked corn chops or veggies. But as we are all guilty of it is more likely to be enjoyed with fried Tostitos that will accompany the chili, the cheese, the sour cream, the wings, and not to mention the millions of gallons of bad American beer that will be used to wash it all down.

So needless to say this brainwashing that I was subjected to lead me home to prepare a batch of guac myself. I am personally a huge fan of the stuff and am very pleased to announce that the baby is too. A very good thing since this little critter is changing my tastebuds and the stuff I loved 3 weeks ago makes me nauseous today. Ah the ever present joys of being an expectant Mom. Anyway my recipe is a simple one, I like the taste of avocados so I try not to drown it too much... Here it is

2 ripe avocados
1 ripe roma tomato diced
tbsp or so of lemon juice
fresh garlic to taste
S & P to your liking
hot sauce for kick ( optional)
It's not rocket science just remove the avocado from the skin... It should smoosh right out if it is ripe enough then add all the other stuff, mix and eat!

If you don't want the added carbs with the Tostitos, add it to a wrap with Tuna and it is amazing!

So we have been invited to a Superbowl party this weekend and I think I may be a full on hypocrite and bring guac... The healthy version though with baked spinach chips. We will see... Time will tell, who knows by Sunday I may not have the taste buds for it.

I had another pregnancy milestone today... as I was getting ready for work I realized that my favourite pair of work pants was almost impossible to get done up. Me being in denial, I suffered through the first have of my day in complete and utter discomfort. I promptly changed as soon as I walked in the door for lunch and instantly felt better. Lesson learned if it is uncomfortable, don't so it!

Well that is all for now... Don't be too shocked that I posted 2 days in a row :)


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