So it is official... There is no NHL this year. I personally gave up hope in January. I guess the die hards were still hanging on to the possibility that those greedy bastards would be able to come to an agreement. When I say greedy bastards I mean both the players and the owners. Nothing irritates me more than someone who enjoys what they do for a living... is doing what they have always wanted to do, and then complains that millions of dollars per year is not enough of a wage. I mean it is not as if they work 60 hours a week under horrible conditions all the while barely making ends meet. They are paid to have the best medical and physical support, play in state of the art buildings, have technological advantages that cancer patients would kill for, and are still unsatisfied. Sure they bring joy to the masses and increase beer sales nationwide, but so do strippers and hot summer days. You tell me when was the last time your saw a 200 pound goalie take his clothes off in front of a bunch of drunken yahoos yelling obscenities at him, when all he or she is trying to do is pay off his or her enormous student loan debt. That may be a little harsh, but you get my point.
Then there are the owners. Give me a break... the fact that you are even entertaining the notion that these so called 'over paid jocks' are worth a salary cap in the 20 to 30 million dollar range. I mean come on you are just as much to blame for this. Times are so tough for you poor snivelling monkeys that you have to resort to low budget commercials. Enter the Quizno's ad on TV with Don Cherry and Tie Domi. Don't tell me money is an issue for you greedy bastards... I am sure that commercial wasn't done for free.
It all really makes me wonder... if we paid our doctors, nurses and teaches as much as we pay our pro athletes, would we have the issues we have with education and healthcare?
Food for thought... now blog about it!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Monday, February 14, 2005
Has it been over a week already?
Well happy Valentine's Day all.
I honestly think that this has turned into a mass marketed holiday. An excuse for florists and candy makers to jack up their prices and make people feel terrible for not expressing their love all year long. A true sign of a valentine is someone who shows you how important you are every day, not just on the day that they are told to by the cards and the calendar. Chris and I chose not to do anything special for Valentine's Day this year. Instead we went out on a date last night, dinner and a movie and just enjoyed each others company. Mind you I suppose we are in a bit of a unique situation since we are "growing" the ultimate example of our love as we speak. Sorry to get all mushy on you for a moment... Hormones... They are beyond my control. All I am saying is that if you truly love someone, why not show them all year long? A little note in their lunch, or an I love you email for no apparent reason will go a long way in keeping you out of the proverbial dog house then a dozen roses and a card will on one single day.
So this whole pregnancy thing has me all over the emotional roller coaster. It is amazing to me how one day I can feel sorta normal( nausea and headache aside) and the n wake up at 4 o clock in the morning and just start crying. Any woman who said pregnancy is a joy must not have memory of the first trimester, either that or is in denial! Today is actually the first day that I have felt pretty normal. My clothes are starting to be a lot less comfortable, and not just my pants. I am not really nauseous anymore, have no headache today and was actually in pretty good spirits all day long. I am actually gonna chock this one up to a full nights sleep last night( I consider it full when I only get up once to make a trip to the potty). For the first time in about a month I have slept more than about 4 hours and it really helped.
Everyone has said that once the first trimester is over things get better for a few months... I have a week and 4 days to go. Time will tell.
Thanks to Mr. Kuiack and the Princess for their blog well wishes on the pregnancy. It means so much when people from your past have nice things to say in the present about your future.
So we are very much struggling with the name game. I think we have concreted middle names for both a boy (John Thomas after our grandfathers) and a girl (Elizabeth which is common amongst 6 of our family members), however we struggle on The Peanut's first name. We came across a couple likely candidates this weekend, Cassandra for a girl and Austin for a boy. Any one have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated, I never realized how big of an undertaking it would be to come up with a name that we could both agree on, and that wasn't already taken in our families.
Well time to feed the Peanut.
Cheers all.
I honestly think that this has turned into a mass marketed holiday. An excuse for florists and candy makers to jack up their prices and make people feel terrible for not expressing their love all year long. A true sign of a valentine is someone who shows you how important you are every day, not just on the day that they are told to by the cards and the calendar. Chris and I chose not to do anything special for Valentine's Day this year. Instead we went out on a date last night, dinner and a movie and just enjoyed each others company. Mind you I suppose we are in a bit of a unique situation since we are "growing" the ultimate example of our love as we speak. Sorry to get all mushy on you for a moment... Hormones... They are beyond my control. All I am saying is that if you truly love someone, why not show them all year long? A little note in their lunch, or an I love you email for no apparent reason will go a long way in keeping you out of the proverbial dog house then a dozen roses and a card will on one single day.
So this whole pregnancy thing has me all over the emotional roller coaster. It is amazing to me how one day I can feel sorta normal( nausea and headache aside) and the n wake up at 4 o clock in the morning and just start crying. Any woman who said pregnancy is a joy must not have memory of the first trimester, either that or is in denial! Today is actually the first day that I have felt pretty normal. My clothes are starting to be a lot less comfortable, and not just my pants. I am not really nauseous anymore, have no headache today and was actually in pretty good spirits all day long. I am actually gonna chock this one up to a full nights sleep last night( I consider it full when I only get up once to make a trip to the potty). For the first time in about a month I have slept more than about 4 hours and it really helped.
Everyone has said that once the first trimester is over things get better for a few months... I have a week and 4 days to go. Time will tell.
Thanks to Mr. Kuiack and the Princess for their blog well wishes on the pregnancy. It means so much when people from your past have nice things to say in the present about your future.
So we are very much struggling with the name game. I think we have concreted middle names for both a boy (John Thomas after our grandfathers) and a girl (Elizabeth which is common amongst 6 of our family members), however we struggle on The Peanut's first name. We came across a couple likely candidates this weekend, Cassandra for a girl and Austin for a boy. Any one have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated, I never realized how big of an undertaking it would be to come up with a name that we could both agree on, and that wasn't already taken in our families.
Well time to feed the Peanut.
Cheers all.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Mmmm Guacamole
So I heard several times on the news today a very disturbing fact about the Superbowl and Guacamole 43.5 million pounds will be consumed by Americans during the Superbowl. That is insane! It astounds me that Americans are confused as to why they have an obesity issue... Well duh do you think that it would have something to do with this kind of excessiveness? The Guac is not so bad its actually pretty healthy if you use this recipe and eat it with baked corn chops or veggies. But as we are all guilty of it is more likely to be enjoyed with fried Tostitos that will accompany the chili, the cheese, the sour cream, the wings, and not to mention the millions of gallons of bad American beer that will be used to wash it all down.
So needless to say this brainwashing that I was subjected to lead me home to prepare a batch of guac myself. I am personally a huge fan of the stuff and am very pleased to announce that the baby is too. A very good thing since this little critter is changing my tastebuds and the stuff I loved 3 weeks ago makes me nauseous today. Ah the ever present joys of being an expectant Mom. Anyway my recipe is a simple one, I like the taste of avocados so I try not to drown it too much... Here it is
2 ripe avocados
1 ripe roma tomato diced
tbsp or so of lemon juice
fresh garlic to taste
S & P to your liking
hot sauce for kick ( optional)
It's not rocket science just remove the avocado from the skin... It should smoosh right out if it is ripe enough then add all the other stuff, mix and eat!
If you don't want the added carbs with the Tostitos, add it to a wrap with Tuna and it is amazing!
So we have been invited to a Superbowl party this weekend and I think I may be a full on hypocrite and bring guac... The healthy version though with baked spinach chips. We will see... Time will tell, who knows by Sunday I may not have the taste buds for it.
I had another pregnancy milestone today... as I was getting ready for work I realized that my favourite pair of work pants was almost impossible to get done up. Me being in denial, I suffered through the first have of my day in complete and utter discomfort. I promptly changed as soon as I walked in the door for lunch and instantly felt better. Lesson learned if it is uncomfortable, don't so it!
Well that is all for now... Don't be too shocked that I posted 2 days in a row :)
So needless to say this brainwashing that I was subjected to lead me home to prepare a batch of guac myself. I am personally a huge fan of the stuff and am very pleased to announce that the baby is too. A very good thing since this little critter is changing my tastebuds and the stuff I loved 3 weeks ago makes me nauseous today. Ah the ever present joys of being an expectant Mom. Anyway my recipe is a simple one, I like the taste of avocados so I try not to drown it too much... Here it is
2 ripe avocados
1 ripe roma tomato diced
tbsp or so of lemon juice
fresh garlic to taste
S & P to your liking
hot sauce for kick ( optional)
It's not rocket science just remove the avocado from the skin... It should smoosh right out if it is ripe enough then add all the other stuff, mix and eat!
If you don't want the added carbs with the Tostitos, add it to a wrap with Tuna and it is amazing!
So we have been invited to a Superbowl party this weekend and I think I may be a full on hypocrite and bring guac... The healthy version though with baked spinach chips. We will see... Time will tell, who knows by Sunday I may not have the taste buds for it.
I had another pregnancy milestone today... as I was getting ready for work I realized that my favourite pair of work pants was almost impossible to get done up. Me being in denial, I suffered through the first have of my day in complete and utter discomfort. I promptly changed as soon as I walked in the door for lunch and instantly felt better. Lesson learned if it is uncomfortable, don't so it!
Well that is all for now... Don't be too shocked that I posted 2 days in a row :)
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
And she blogs again
I can just hear the gasps of disbelief from the peanut gallery right now.. OMG she has blogged, and a real entry not just a link to a great post on someone else's blog.
I would apologize but that is pointless... Those of you who talk to me regularly know that I am famous for my long blogging sobaticals.
Well lets get started and bring everyone up to speed...
Since it has been a while Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all (better late than never I suppose).
A lot has changed in my life recently for example a week and a half ago we found out that I am pregnant! This lead me to 2 weeks off work due to terrible sickness associated to the pregnancy. I am still not 100 % very much day to day but there is a light at the end of the tunnel I am told. In 2 weeks 2 days I will be done the 1st trimester and from what I hear it becomes smooth sailing for a bit. Fingers crossed!
So to answer the pending questions before they happen...
1. Yes this is a good thing, unexpected but welcomed non the less.
2. No this was not planned, as a matter of fact when I was 21 I was diagnosed with PCOS
and was told by several doctors and specialist that I would have a very small chance of ever conceiving naturally. So you can imagine our surprise when the doctor called to give me the test results. I literally hung up on her...Oops!
3. No we are not getting married. At least not right now. Neither Chris or I see this as a valid reason to get married, I mean us getting married would be no different than a couple that has been married for 20 years unhappily staying together for the sake of the children. Contrary to the desires of a couple parents we are going to happily stay unmarried and raise our baby to be a happy and functional member of society.
4. No we do not know the sex of the child and we are not sure if we want to know at this point either. Healthy is all we care about, just like every other parent to be.
5. Do we have any names picked out yet? Well nothing set in stone but we like Dylan and Emma so far but hey there is still over 6 months to go before we have to actually decide.
6. What do I want? I would love to have a boy but that really has nothing to do with me... Chris's genes actually have that control. Either way I will love the peanut in which ever form he or she presents itself in.
So as you can imagine the blog is going to turn into somewhat of a pregnancy journal for a bit. An electronic place to keep track of it all.
I am posting a couple pics for you all to see first is one is a fuzzy ultrasound picture of the peanut at 8 weeks 5 days and the 2nd is the happy couple.
Enjoy the readings folks... It appears that I am back for a bit. :)
The Peanut 8 weeks 5 days
I would apologize but that is pointless... Those of you who talk to me regularly know that I am famous for my long blogging sobaticals.
Well lets get started and bring everyone up to speed...
Since it has been a while Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all (better late than never I suppose).
A lot has changed in my life recently for example a week and a half ago we found out that I am pregnant! This lead me to 2 weeks off work due to terrible sickness associated to the pregnancy. I am still not 100 % very much day to day but there is a light at the end of the tunnel I am told. In 2 weeks 2 days I will be done the 1st trimester and from what I hear it becomes smooth sailing for a bit. Fingers crossed!
So to answer the pending questions before they happen...
1. Yes this is a good thing, unexpected but welcomed non the less.
2. No this was not planned, as a matter of fact when I was 21 I was diagnosed with PCOS
and was told by several doctors and specialist that I would have a very small chance of ever conceiving naturally. So you can imagine our surprise when the doctor called to give me the test results. I literally hung up on her...Oops!
3. No we are not getting married. At least not right now. Neither Chris or I see this as a valid reason to get married, I mean us getting married would be no different than a couple that has been married for 20 years unhappily staying together for the sake of the children. Contrary to the desires of a couple parents we are going to happily stay unmarried and raise our baby to be a happy and functional member of society.
4. No we do not know the sex of the child and we are not sure if we want to know at this point either. Healthy is all we care about, just like every other parent to be.
5. Do we have any names picked out yet? Well nothing set in stone but we like Dylan and Emma so far but hey there is still over 6 months to go before we have to actually decide.
6. What do I want? I would love to have a boy but that really has nothing to do with me... Chris's genes actually have that control. Either way I will love the peanut in which ever form he or she presents itself in.
So as you can imagine the blog is going to turn into somewhat of a pregnancy journal for a bit. An electronic place to keep track of it all.
I am posting a couple pics for you all to see first is one is a fuzzy ultrasound picture of the peanut at 8 weeks 5 days and the 2nd is the happy couple.
Enjoy the readings folks... It appears that I am back for a bit. :)

The Peanut 8 weeks 5 days

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