Well not a lot to post about. I did start the new job last week, so far so good! I also quit GoodLife and for once in quite some time I finally feel like I am living the GoodLife. For a place that preaches the need to be happy and healthy it sure made me miserable and unhealthy!
There was so much I had planned to do this weekend... Go to my godson's 1st birthday party, catch the airshow, clean the apartment, go to the gym, and study for my final exam for the new job. You know random weekend domestic crap. Very little of this actually got accomplished. I started out with a case of scratchy throat and ears late Thursday evening and by Friday after work it was a full blown head cold. Complete with congestion, dry hacking cough, sneezing and a wonderful bought of dizziness! Ah the joys of being back in germ infested call centers! So needless to say I missed the party (didn't want to give Caelan a cold for his gift... that would be cruel!), saw about 20 mins of the airshow from a distance on one of my few random adventures outside. I thought the fresh air would help clear the head... alas it did not, the noise only made it worse!
We did however stop by the LJOC show and Shine in support of Child Can (a children with cancer charity event). It was a short visit since I felt craptastic, we did grab a burger and ginger ale though, in support of the charity and take lots of photos of all the cool jeeps that were there. I will post them on buzznet eventually.
Other than that the rest of the weekend was a bust! Today was filled with Laundry and studying while watching Chris repair my stereo in the car. Which for those of you who don't know shorted out about oh 4 weeks ago and has been in the shop and back into the dash of the car with no success. It is now working though I am pleased to report, and I am back in the land of the musically inclined complete with MP3's and a remote controlled deck.
The whole purpose for this entry was to share a wonderful site with all of you who are verbagely challenged. I was given it at work the other day to help me get up to snuff on all the new IT terms that I am being bombarded with. It is great for all the quirky wordisms you can imagine. If you are not familiar with Webopedia, I suggest you bookmark it!.
On another note, I am now a full fledge Mozilla
user and I recommend it to all. It is a godsend in saving you from the hell the we are all to familiar with known as POP UP ADS! Try it you will love it! I promise
Well that is all, I need to study more and possibly have something to eat.
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Now I am Living the GoodLife
A short entry before I head back to the world of studying my ass off. So I did it, I quit GoodLife today. I am no longer employed by the nazi run cult currently known as GoodLife. I am free, free at last! At this point I am looking a teven revoking my membership. I think I can do without their headache!
That's all at the moment back to the books.
That's all at the moment back to the books.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Happy Birthday Chris
Happy Birthday to the love of my life. No I am not talking about my cat, or chocolate, or shoes! I am talking about my gorgeous boyfriend Chris.
Muah to you, sorry I couldn't go out and party with you on your 26th celebratory evening. I will make it up to you... I promise.
I love you.
Happy Birthday :-P
Muah to you, sorry I couldn't go out and party with you on your 26th celebratory evening. I will make it up to you... I promise.
I love you.
Happy Birthday :-P
Mr. Potato Head the Adult Version!
Really really busy. No time to check email let alone blog, but had to share this site with ya'll. Mr. Picasso Head!
I am loving the new job but missing the really world. Two jobs is 100% BS and for the birds.
Chatatchya L8R
I am loving the new job but missing the really world. Two jobs is 100% BS and for the birds.
Chatatchya L8R
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday To Bill.
Happy Birthday To Bill.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday To Bill!
Happy 41st Bill :)
Happy Birthday To Bill.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday To Bill!
Happy 41st Bill :)
Friday, June 18, 2004
Need Help on Who to Vote For?
If you said yes or want to be entertained try this site to help you choose who you should vote for. Voter Help
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Went back to work today!
So I am officially a Personal Trainer at GoodLife Fitness. The group of people that I will be working with all seem really nice so I am hoping that this go round with GLF will be different than the last experience. We will see right.
I start working for Info Tech on Monday, I am actually pretty stoked about that. Monday to Friday 8:30 to 4:30 with full benefits after 6 months and a pretty decent wage. Hourly base plus commission... Right up my alley. For those of you who don't know the company it is an outbound business to business sales and research advisory group. We deal specifically with IT professionals helping them keep up to date on business and technological education and information. I am excited that I get to put my passion for learning and sales combined in the same job. It will be so nice to get back to working in a environment that is not living in the technological stone age.
I posted a few relatively new pics on buzznet. Various things, a birthday party and such. They are in the People and Mr.Burns & Friends galleries. Enjoy :)
We have a temporary roommate at the moment. Chris's brother's landlord sold the house and he needed a place to crash until he finds a new place. No issue to me, I get to use his much larger computer monitor while he is here! A definite bonus, this is one of those cases that bigger is better :)
Well other than that there really isn't much exciting stuff to chat about. Life is not too interesting when you are not working. My life recently has consisted of working on my tan... And I have done a pretty good job of it, if I do say so myself.
June is a birth month on my calendar, several birthdays to Celebrate.
Happy 24th to Pat
Happy First Birthday to my gorgeous godson Caelan and Happy 41st to his daddy Bill.
But most importantly... Happy 26th Birthday to my sexy boyfriend... Chris... :P
Thought I should get them all in in case I forget to mention it.
I start working for Info Tech on Monday, I am actually pretty stoked about that. Monday to Friday 8:30 to 4:30 with full benefits after 6 months and a pretty decent wage. Hourly base plus commission... Right up my alley. For those of you who don't know the company it is an outbound business to business sales and research advisory group. We deal specifically with IT professionals helping them keep up to date on business and technological education and information. I am excited that I get to put my passion for learning and sales combined in the same job. It will be so nice to get back to working in a environment that is not living in the technological stone age.
I posted a few relatively new pics on buzznet. Various things, a birthday party and such. They are in the People and Mr.Burns & Friends galleries. Enjoy :)
We have a temporary roommate at the moment. Chris's brother's landlord sold the house and he needed a place to crash until he finds a new place. No issue to me, I get to use his much larger computer monitor while he is here! A definite bonus, this is one of those cases that bigger is better :)
Well other than that there really isn't much exciting stuff to chat about. Life is not too interesting when you are not working. My life recently has consisted of working on my tan... And I have done a pretty good job of it, if I do say so myself.
June is a birth month on my calendar, several birthdays to Celebrate.
Happy 24th to Pat
Happy First Birthday to my gorgeous godson Caelan and Happy 41st to his daddy Bill.
But most importantly... Happy 26th Birthday to my sexy boyfriend... Chris... :P
Thought I should get them all in in case I forget to mention it.
Monday, June 07, 2004
OMG it has been forever! This will be a long one!
Ya I know that it has been way too long since I last made an entry but what can I say other than the fact that it has been HOT in Canada. You see, when summer comes, and homo-sapien hibernation ends, the computer becomes an obsolete piece of equipment. Not to say that I don't still use it everyday for email and such, but to sit down and actually think out stuff and then type it out is not my idea of how to soak up the rays ... LOL
So a lot has happened since the last entry. I have had a few job interviews and have even had 2 offers. I accepted both but won't get into the particulars until after the 11th, I will explain more then. GoodLife has done a great job of increasing my stress level from 1 to 100 in perfect roller coaster fashion since I last blogged. Needless to say I have the upper hand again and we will see where the rest of the battle takes me when it is all over. Sorry for being so cryptic, but the understanding will become clear in the very near future.
Posted a couple new pics of me and Caelan today on Buzznet. I watched him for a few hours and got a chance to use the digi cam again. Damn I love that kid :)
So what else is new, well... I went home for a week, started painting my parents house for them. Boy was I ever putting my foot in my mouth when I volunteered to do that enormous job. Chris and I are going back at the end of this week to finish what I started. We were gonna leave tomorrow but with the pending humidex advisory we decided against it.
Speaking of humidex what is up with a 41 degree celcius humidex during the first week of June? That is unheard of. Ahh good old global warming. Lets take a moment and thank GM, Ford, Honda and Toyota, just to name a few, for helping us help the world become a more smoggerrific place to live! Now I admit I am a contributor to the air pollution problems, but at least I am not driving down the 401 doing 80! and smoking a cigarette while blowing equal amounts of gaseous blue grey smoke out my tail pipe! Can someone please explain to me how people get away with driving these volatile heaps? So much for The MTO!
So I have been keeping up on reading everyone else's blogs while I have been taking this so called blogging sabbatical and have a few points to add from them.
Firstly... Kudos to the google master for his small literary dedication the recently deceased Ronald Reagan.
Secondly... From another blog that I read regularly...

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Thirdly... From the Princess I got this and even put in her blog that I would post it in mine when I got back to London... I am a woman of my word so here it is... If you visit and read it please answer it in the comments :) Thanks
1. Who are you?
2. Have we ever met?
3. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
4. Describe me in one word.
5. What reminds you of me?
6. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
7. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
8. Are you going to put this on your weblog and see what I say about you?
9. What do you love like a fat kid loves cake?
Fourthly... Double A Ron has a blog? . Make sure to check out the picks of his kid... sooooo cute!
Well I am off to watch the rest of the game 7, GO FLAMES GO!!! We all know that I am a Leafs fan but I will take a Canadian cup any day :)
Cheers all more later
So a lot has happened since the last entry. I have had a few job interviews and have even had 2 offers. I accepted both but won't get into the particulars until after the 11th, I will explain more then. GoodLife has done a great job of increasing my stress level from 1 to 100 in perfect roller coaster fashion since I last blogged. Needless to say I have the upper hand again and we will see where the rest of the battle takes me when it is all over. Sorry for being so cryptic, but the understanding will become clear in the very near future.
Posted a couple new pics of me and Caelan today on Buzznet. I watched him for a few hours and got a chance to use the digi cam again. Damn I love that kid :)
So what else is new, well... I went home for a week, started painting my parents house for them. Boy was I ever putting my foot in my mouth when I volunteered to do that enormous job. Chris and I are going back at the end of this week to finish what I started. We were gonna leave tomorrow but with the pending humidex advisory we decided against it.
Speaking of humidex what is up with a 41 degree celcius humidex during the first week of June? That is unheard of. Ahh good old global warming. Lets take a moment and thank GM, Ford, Honda and Toyota, just to name a few, for helping us help the world become a more smoggerrific place to live! Now I admit I am a contributor to the air pollution problems, but at least I am not driving down the 401 doing 80! and smoking a cigarette while blowing equal amounts of gaseous blue grey smoke out my tail pipe! Can someone please explain to me how people get away with driving these volatile heaps? So much for The MTO!
So I have been keeping up on reading everyone else's blogs while I have been taking this so called blogging sabbatical and have a few points to add from them.
Firstly... Kudos to the google master for his small literary dedication the recently deceased Ronald Reagan.
Secondly... From another blog that I read regularly...

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Thirdly... From the Princess I got this and even put in her blog that I would post it in mine when I got back to London... I am a woman of my word so here it is... If you visit and read it please answer it in the comments :) Thanks
1. Who are you?
2. Have we ever met?
3. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
4. Describe me in one word.
5. What reminds you of me?
6. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
7. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
8. Are you going to put this on your weblog and see what I say about you?
9. What do you love like a fat kid loves cake?
Fourthly... Double A Ron has a blog? . Make sure to check out the picks of his kid... sooooo cute!
Well I am off to watch the rest of the game 7, GO FLAMES GO!!! We all know that I am a Leafs fan but I will take a Canadian cup any day :)
Cheers all more later
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