Monday, October 22, 2007


Because it was about time.

I, err we all, joined the Y last week.

Today was day 1 and my hip flexors are already regretting it.

But it feels great!! I missed the solace that you find in exercise and the high that you get from running.

I jumped up in the treadmill and wanted to run full out... i only warmed up for 4 minutes ( bad bad bad) and then went for a run, I am regretting it completely now since I feel as if my legs are going to fall off! I am going to do it again tomorrow! Childcare and up to 2 hours to myself uninterrupted with my I-Pod and a healthy sweat! Worth every monthly penny that they want to suck out of me!

Exercise is good!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

15 minutes

It's simple... 1/4 of one hour. 15 minutes, 900 seconds...

Nothing new there, but oh how in accurate a statement can be.

As a Mom 15 minutes is an eternity!

It can mean enough time to do the following:

  • Prepare and administer one bedtime snack,
  • wash 1 sink full of dishes
  • brush one jumping up and down two-dler's teeth
  • change 2 diapers
  • hug kiss and put to bed one bouncing two-dler
15 minutes, the time that by noon each day I wish I could have to myself in silence.

15 minutes, would be a super long shower now a day.

15 minutes the time it took to blog this!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Where grey hair comes from!

A year ... WOW!

A lot has happened and after much procrastination I HAVE BLOGGED AGAIN!

I had coffee the other day at the new Starbucks on Highbury and the blogging (or lack there of) conversation came up, since I said I wanted to and I should get back to it I figured I would come true with my intentions.

I am completely dumbfounded that the last time I posted Hannah was barely a year old and now she is over 2, has a little brother that is almost 3 months old and is taking the world by storm.

So much has changed, she runs and jumps and pees on the potty( when she is so inclined). She tells us what she wants, she loves her brother and her Mommy and her Chris, err Daddy, and tells us all the time. She keeps us on our toes and makes us think before we speak. She is the joy that makes every sleepless night completely worth while! Yes I said sleepless nights. Cameron her handsome little brother thinks that sleeping is the shiznat! He sleeps through the night only waking once after 8 hours for a snack then dozes off again for another 3 or so hours. Hannah on the other hand wakes up if the wind changes direction and thinks that 6 am is sleeping in. I now understand where grey hair comes from.

The past year has seen so many changes in our life, new friends for Hannah means new friends for Mommy. New jobs, new Jeeps, new pant sizes... not the kind of new I was looking for, but all part of the grey hair. Old friends with new babies and new jobs and new adventures feeding their passions. It is amazing how old is new but new never becomes old. Everyday is something new in the life of a parent. Even the format of the blog is new!

I promise to keep tabs on all things new and all things old, and that is what the new blog is for!

Cheers again!