Post hair cut pic, playin in the bathroom.
It is amazing how many firsts a person goes through that you forget or take for granted once you are an adult. Take for example yesterday Hannah had her first Hair Cut. Not the professional, go sit in the uppy downy chair kind. More like the "Mommy is sick of me having a mullett" kind. I trimmed the back of her hair and now it is even and looks more babylike and less redneck yokal like. Hannah also wore shorts for her first time yesterday, and real shoes too! She is officially a size 1 shoe at the moment. One, the # where I all begins! So from this point on she can have a shoe addiction like her parents. She has also surpassed 1 and is currently enjoying her second tooth which made an appearance yesterday.
Hannah got a jogging stroller for easter so we have been doing tonnes of walking, approximatly 7 hours since Monday! She loves to be moving and this is making life a lot smoother for her.
Yesterday I took Hannah to get fit for custom earplugs so that we can take her for rides in Daddy's Jeep. We have no intentions of taking her off road yet, not at least for another year or so but this will allow us to take her on road trips in it, like to the beach and such.
We are progressing along on the solids path and have discovered several that either she refuses to eat or loves to eat but she doesn't respond well to. Apples and avacodos she loves but they don't like her very much. Then there is the green team... if it is green Hannah refuses to eat it... no peas no beans... yuck!
Big girl bath at Grandma's Hannah now takes big girl baths, no more baby tub and she prefers it this way. Only a matter of time and she will be basking in the chill of the great lakes.
Life is good and moving at a crawlers pace, which you would think is slow but oddly enough it is far to fast.
New pics on
flicker... enjoy :)