Great News!! We got an apartment:) Woo Hoo the quest is over!
2 bedrooms, 2 FULL bathrooms, 10 foot Ceilings... no shared walls, floors or ceilings with adjoining apartments, full covered front porch, Windows, Windows, Windows and above ground! The best part is 750 all inclusive.
I am so excited I can hardly wait.
My sister's birthday was yesterday... she is 28 now!
I know I am late with the greeting but I don't think she reads my blog anyway. She has just recently began her quest along the information super highway. MSN Messenger and basic internet searches are the extent of her computer literacy. Her most recent addition is a really sweet new colour cell phone.
Isn't it strange how two individuals who were created from identical strands of DNA can be so polar opposite in so many situations. You look around my house and it's not hard to tell that a couple of tech junkies live here. Computers, PDA's MP3, digi cams (speaking of check out the 2 new photos... a new Mr. Burns and the snow out there right now!), etc, etc, etc,
Sorry so short, I am exausted! Need to hit the hay.
So like I said earlier...
A fat cat sits in the corner of a new apartment, while the snow falls gently.
Night all.

Mr. Burns in his most becoming pose of all time. He looks more like Homer in this position. :-)
looks cozy. Happy fat cat. :)
Congratulations on your new place. It sounds awesome.
Funny you should mention the technological-knowledge disparity in your family. I've often wondered the same thing about my own. I come from a family of absolute luddites. To wit, my father will sit in front of my computer and read something, yet have no idea that he is supposed to use the arrow keys to scroll down. He will sit motionless for an unlimited amount of time because he doesn't want to ask his know-it-all son how to do it.
They just got e-mail a little under two years ago. It's on a set-top WebTV box (read no PC) and they spent the first six months spamming everyone with limitlessly-forwarded bad jokes.
Don't even get me started about everyone else in my midst. Thank goodness my wife knows more about OSs than I do - a frightening proposition in its own right.
Enjou your new home. Pats to Mr. Burns from Shadow.
Funny, the first thing I thought of when I saw Mr. Burns' picture was that he could give Jorge a run for his money, but Joanna maintains that Mr. Burns is 75% hair. Is that like my mother telling me that she was just retaining water? LOL Congrats on the new apt. I'm sure you'll be very happy there.
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