Saturday, November 19, 2005

Now if this isn't a true Canadian Icon!

Towards Pt Dover 09
Originally uploaded by W4B Photography.
Taken by my friend and serious phtobug Mike... aka work4bandwidth. He also did my prego pics and one day will do awesome shots of Hannah too. Until then you can find his great work on his flicker page where I found this one.


mw said...

Nothing like a christmas moose on the loose - cool picture, thanks!

michele sent me though I begged to stay home...


Valerie said...

Cool picture. How are you today?

BTW Michele sent me.....

Anonymous said...

ok.. I have to draw the line somewhere.....thats almost obscene....

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Has Santa moved over to moose?

Anonymous said...

Great pic.! There's that much snow already!

--Michele sent me....

Margaret said...

It's a Christmoose! Yeah, yeah, i hear the groans from here. thanks for stopping by my place!